(810) 232-2654 info@leortc.com

Basic FTO Course

Flint Township PD 5200 Norko Drive, Flint Township, MI, United States

This 4-day course is designed to provide knowledge and training to develop Field Training Officers’ skills.

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)

Flint Township PD 5200 Norko Drive, Flint Township, MI, United States

The Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course was developed from the military Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) training. TECC is adapted to provide operators with battlefield proven trauma care information and techniques due to hostile action, particularly penetrating trauma.

Emergency Vehicle Operation – EVO

Flint Township PD 5200 Norko Drive, Flint Township, MI, United States

Participants will start the day at Flint Township Police Department and after instruction proceed to Auto City Speedway.

Autism Training for First Responders

Flint Township PD 5200 Norko Drive, Flint Township, MI, United States

This training session will focus on defining autism, recognizing autism in the field, and strategies for interacting and engaging with people with autism.

Evidence Handling Refresher

Flint Township PD 5200 Norko Drive, Flint Township, MI, United States

This 3-hour training program is being offered as a morning or afternoon session.  It provides personnel with a practical understanding of evidence/property handling guidelines essential in a safe, legally compliant, efficient, and secure, evidence and property control policy and system. 

Evidence Handling Refresher

Flint Township PD 5200 Norko Drive, Flint Township, MI, United States

This 3-hour training program is being offered as a morning or afternoon session.  It provides personnel with a practical understanding of evidence/property handling guidelines essential in a safe, legally compliant, efficient, and secure, evidence and property control policy and system.