(810) 232-2654 info@leortc.com

Below 100

Flint Township PD 5200 Norko Drive, Flint Township, MI, United States

The Below 100 Program is designed to drastically reduce law enforcement Line of Duty Deaths (LODD’s).  The Below 100 Program specifically addresses the operational areas of law enforcement that contribute to the greatest number of LODD’s but are in large part preventable. 

Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence

University of Michigan-Flint, David M. French Hall 327 E. Kearsley Street, Flint, MI, United States

Co-instructed by a Law Enforcement Officer, Prosecutor, and Victim Advocate. This is a detailed course designed to enhance on-scene investigations and increase successful prosecutions.

Mental Health First Aid for Public Safety

Mott College - Southern Lakes 2100 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, MI, United States

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for Public Safety teaches the skills needed to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

Legal Update

Mott College - Southern Lakes 2100 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, MI, United States

This seminar will include a review of current legislation affecting law enforcement as well as an update on Search & Seizure, Laws of Arrest, Interviews, and Search Warrant issues. 


Grand Blanc Twp. Police Dept. 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI, United States

Major advancements have been made in forensic DNA testing in recent years.  These advancements in technology include increased in technology include increased sensitivity, new methods to interpret complex mixtures, specialized search techniques of the CODIS database, and many more.