AM Session 8a-12p:
This patrol-based investigative training course is specifically designed for road patrol police officers, and investigators tasked with investigating stolen vehicles. Attendees will be instructed in the most comprehensive and current theft investigative methods including forensic identification of suspected stolen ATVs, UTVs, Snowmobiles and Motorcycles, past/present VIN formats, label designs, and locations of factory primary and secondary identification numbers. Attendees will also be briefed on past and present methods used by criminals to alter and conceal the true identity of these powersport vehicles; in addition, attendees will also be educated on the most current theft trends, other associated crimes, case preparation, and an overview of a variety of theft related investigative databases.
PM Session 1p-5p:
This patrol-based investigative training course is specifically designed for road patrol police officers, and investigators tasked with investigating stolen vehicles. Attendees will be instructed in the most comprehensive and current theft investigative methods including forensic identification of suspected stolen heavy equipment and watercraft, past/present VIN formats, label designs, and locations of factory primary and secondary identification numbers. Attendees will also be briefed on past and present methods used by criminals to alter and conceal the true identity of these machines and vessels; in addition, attendees will also be educated on the most current theft trends, other associated crimes, case preparation, and an overview of a variety of theft related investigative databases.
Date & Time: Tuesday April 18th, 2023, 8am – 5pm (1 hr. lunch)
Location: Mott Community College, Southern Lakes Branch Center (Room 1206), 2100 W. Thompson Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Cost: FREE to MCOLES licensed police officers, DNR, Motor Carrier, Tribal, and Federal law enforcement officers.
Registration: Please pre-register with Kyle McPhee via email at
“This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”