(810) 232-2654 info@leortc.com

Wide Variety of Classes

We offer the highest quality classes creating
professionalism in policing through training.

Law Enforcement Training

We offer the highest quality classes creating
professinalism in policing through training.

Continued Refresher Training

Keep your skills sharp and up to date.

Critical training to help you improve and serve.

Law Enforcement Training

Over 80 training courses and classes run throughout the year. See what we offer!

Corrections Training

Our training courses cover a wide variety of subject matter and offer hands-on application.


Learn more about our memberships and how you can become involved.

Upcoming Classes and Information – Click the + for more.

We are excited to bring several training opportunities to our region!

As we register our courses with MCOLES, they will reflect their qualifications towards Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.  This status will be shown in the course information page.

On April 24, 2025, De-Escalation:  Strategies for Best Possible Outcomes.  This course empowers participants to have intelligent, evidence-informed conversations with the public and provides valuable tools for engaging with people in crisis.  Not all situations can be ‘de-escalated,’ but this course focuses on tools to help achieve the best possible outcomes.

On April 29, 2025, Firearms Identification Training, a one-day hands-on course designed to show you how to safely handle over 50 various types of firearms along with related federal and state laws.

On May 14-16, 2025, Street Gang Investigations, a two day course explores the current trends, identifiers, and dynamics of street gang investigations. Understanding and identifying gang culture both on the street and in correctional facilities requires investigators from both local law enforcement and corrections to work together and share information.

On June 12, 2025, Personal & Professional Breakthroughs for Police Officers. This seminar will assist those attending in gaining a distinctly different perspective on the unique and potentially problematic consequences of performing well within a law enforcement culture. Officers, Sergeants and those who assist them will reflect upon the traumas and triumphs associated with modern law enforcement, and how these influence the pivotal balance between professional and personal relationships.  


Please look below at additional classes being offered.

Crime Prevention Initiatives for Business March 19, 2025 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This program is part of the Crime Prevention Specialist Series.  Each program in the series is a standalone seminar.  Participants that complete all seminars in the series will be granted a Crime Prevention Specialist Certificate.

About this Seminar

One of the best crime prevention initiatives for reducing crime, the perception of crime, and improving the overall quality of life in a community, is the development of partnerships between law-abiding citizens and their police department.

Participants in this one-day seminar will learn how to work with businesses to address:

  • Crime prevention partnerships with local business owners and managers.
  • Prevention initiatives to deal with shoplifting, identity theft, frauds, employee theft and vandalism.
  • Workplace violence due to robbery, domestic violence, or random violence through proactive policies & employee training.
  • Security issues and security surveys using Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).

Participants will receive the tools necessary to return to their respective communities and make an immediate impact with their business community.

Instructor:   Chris Fredenburg of the Saginaw Township Police Department.  He is an Advanced Crime Prevention Specialist and an accomplished practitioner of the (CPTED) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design discipline.   “Crime prevention works, so use it.”

Location:  Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Class Size:               Limited to 35

Cost:                        LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid       LEORTC Non-Licensed Personnel – $65.00 p/p

Non-Member Agencies – $120.00 p/p

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

M.I.L.O. Simulator Training – School Active Shooter March 25 @ 8:00 am through 5:00pm - ALL TIME SLOTS ARE FULL!

(2-hour training blocks)

This course provides various scenarios where officers respond to and react to situations that they may encounter while on duty. Officers interact with computer generated scenarios using verbal commands, use of cover, and the use of firearms as needed. Officers are critiqued at the completion of the scenario during the post critical incident reviews.

Goals and Objectives

*              Participants will be able to recognize threats, select appropriate course(s) of action.

*              Participants will be able to identify themselves when reasonable and give verbal challenges.

*              Participants will learn the value of cover and concealment and the proper use of them.

*              Participants will obtain invaluable experience in high stress scenarios which will aid them in their everyday encounters.

*              Minimum of four scenarios per participant

*              Various situations which will require participants to utilize:

1) cover and concealment

2) commands

3) possible use of force

Duty wear required. All firearms will be secured before participating. Safety rules in place for scenarios.  No personal weapons allowed.

Instructor:         Dunell Chaney retired from the City of Flint Police Department and Mott Community College DPS. He is a MILO/FAAC instructor, firearms instructor, and an instructor for the Law Enforcement Regional Training Academy.

Dates/Times:                     Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 8am-10am, 10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm, 3pm-5pm

Location:                             Mott Community College – Southern Lakes Branch, L.E.R.T.A. Building, 2100 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, MI 48430

Session size:                       Limited to four (4) per session

Cost:                                      LEORTC Licensed Members – Prepaid

All Others $45 p/p

Click HERE to Register

When registering please indicate which time slot you wish to attend.

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence March 27, 2025 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) and University of Michigan Flint Campus Department of Public Safety Presents

Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence

Co-instructed by a Law Enforcement Officer, Prosecutor, and Victim Advocate. This is a detailed course designed to enhance on-scene investigations and increase successful prosecutions.

When:  March 27, 2025, from 8:00am – 5:00pm

Where:  Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507

Cost:  This course is Free

Please remember to bring your MCOLES number for recognition of the completed training on your Individual Employment History.

Click HERE to Register

This training location is accessible. If you require specific accommodations for a disability in order to effectively participate in this training, please contact George Sippert at 810-232-2495 at least 7 days before the training.  This project was supported by Grant #2019-WF-AX-0014 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice to the Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations, expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women or the Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board.

Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis April 11 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Recognition & Documentation

This course provides an introduction to bloodstain pattern recognition and documentation.  The investigator will leave this course with an understanding of how bloodstain pattern analysis can be used in crime scene reconstruction.   An emphasis will be placed on recognizing patterns and documenting them properly through photography to ensure proper analysis through photographs at a later date.  Recognizing when a qualified bloodstain analyst should be consulted will be discussed.  This is NOT an all-inclusive pattern course and does not satisfy the requirement of a basic course, which requires 40 hours of training.  Participants should bring their crime scene photography equipment to the class.

Topics Include:

Intro to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (lecture)

Bloodstain Pattern Recognition (exercise)

Case Study

Documenting Bloodstain Patterns (lecture)

Bloodstain Pattern Documentation (exercise)

Instructor: Shane Hill is currently the supervisor of the Biology Body Fluid Identification (BFI) Unit at the Michigan State Police (MSP) Metropolitan Bridgeport Forensic Laboratory. He has been with MSP for over 13 years, most of that time as a forensic scientist in the BFI Unit. In addition to managing the BFI unit, Mr. Hill is a member of the MSP crime scene response team and is a trained bloodstain pattern analyst.

Date/Time:         Friday, April 11, 2025, 8:30am – 4:30pm

Location:             Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw St. Grand Blanc, MI  48439

Class Size:           Limited to 25

Cost:                      LEORTC Licensed Members – Prepaid       LEORTC Non-Licensed Personnel – $65 p/p         

All Others – $120 p/p

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

Tactical Field Operations – Man Tracking April 22 @ 8:30 am - April 23 @ 4:30 pm - THIS CLASS IS FULL!
This training program focuses on perimeter containment of Fleeing Subjects while utilizing Man-Tracking skills, deploying K-9, utilization of aviation support, and possibly LPOP’s (Listening Points / Observation Points). These techniques are also utilized for Lost and Missing Persons.
This training would be valuable for all officers, supervisors, and command staff.
Training components of this program include:
The Psychological Profiles of Fleeing Subjects / Lost & Missing Persons issues are taught to assist in understanding early search variables.
For Fleeing Subjects, the Leap Frogging technique is utilized to shorten the time /distance gap.
Other areas to be covered would be utilization of a compass, GPS, Downed Officer Reaction/solutions, and arrest procedure upon contact.
Most of the two-days of training will be outside in a variety of conditions and areas. There will also be a lot of physical activity in various terrains.
Participants must be prepared by dressing appropriately for the conditions and physical activity (including footwear and headwear).
Instructors:  Rudi Nitschmann, U.S. Army – S.R.T. and retired after 29 years of service with the M.S.P. MSP Emergency Support Team Member for 26 years. Level II Certified Man-Tracking Instructor.
                      Richard Casanova, U.S.M.C. – Infantry / Intel Field – 10 years. MSP Emergency Support Team Member for 18 years.  Currently has 23 years of service with the MSP.
Date/Times: April 22-23, 2025, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Location:  Crossroads Village, 6140 Bray Road, Flint, MI 48505
Class size:  Limited to (10)
Cost:  LEORTC Licensed Members – Prepaid
                 All Others – $299 per person

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

De-Escalation: Strategies for Best Possible Outcomes April 24 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

De-escalation is a word that is frequently discussed by community members, politicians, and the media, but is rarely defined and often misunderstood.  This course empowers participants to have intelligent, evidence-informed conversations with the public and provides valuable tools for engaging with people in crisis.  Not all situations can be ‘de-escalated,’ but this course focuses on tools to help achieve the best possible outcomes.  Through guided discussions, small group exercises and practical tools, participants will:

  • Explain the truths of de-escalation to members of the public
  • Learn to self-regulate their emotions in high-stress environments
  • Explore the foundational elements of all human mental functions (thoughts, emotions, behaviors)
  • Learn effective tools for dealing with persons in crisis
  • Explore response tactics for best possible outcomes

Who should attend?  This course is designed for sworn personnel, correctional officers, dispatchers, trainers, supervisors, and investigators.

Instructor:  This course is instructed by members of Command Presence Training.

Location:  Mott Community College – Southern Lakes Branch, 2100 W. Thompson Road, room 1001G, Fenton, MI  48430

Cost:  LEORTC members Prepaid     Non-licensed members $99 per person     All others $199 per person

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

Firearms Identification Training April 29, 2025 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Are you comfortable with your knowledge and skills to safely handle and unload multiple types of firearms including pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns?   Are you familiar with different types of firearms and how to identify and classify them correctly?  Are you able to identify common machine guns, machinegun conversion devices, silencers, short-barreled rifles, and short-barreled shotguns? If not, then this training is important for you!  The class will instruct you on how to:

– Identify firearm parts and use correct terminology.

– Demonstrate safety procedures when handling and unloading firearms.

– Identify Federal firearm laws, Michigan firearm laws, Federal & Michigan firearm definitions.

– Identify markings on U.S. manufactured and imported firearms.

– Identify characteristics of a Homemade Firearm (aka “Ghost Guns”).

– Given a selection of firearms, be able to identify the manufacturer, and/or importer, model, caliber, and serial #.

– Identify markings on ammunition and identify the caliber or gauge.

– Recognize machine guns, machinegun conversion devices (e.g. “Glock Switch”), silencers, short-barreled rifles, and           short-barreled shotguns.

– Identify National Firearms Act registration (transfer) tax forms.

– Measure the barrel length and overall length of a rifle and shotgun and identify open-bolt and closed-bolt firearms.

– Demonstrate a field function check for automatic fire.

-This hands-on training will increase your overall knowledge involving many types and styles of firearms. You will be taught how to safely handle, unload, and correctly identify over 50 various types of firearms available at the training.

Instructor:          Brian Luettke of Luettke Firearms Consulting, Inc.  served 29 years in law enforcement which included four years as a police officer in Novi, Michigan and 25 years in Federal law enforcement prior to his retirement in October 2020.  In his last 22 years in law enforcement, he served as a Special Agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).  When Brian retired from ATF, he was a Supervisory Special Agent and the Chief of the Advanced Firearms and Interstate Nexus (Training) Branch located within the Firearms and Ammunition Technology Division (FATD) in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  During this position, Brian was the training branch supervisor and instructor for an advanced level firearms identification training course.  He has taught firearms and ammunition identification at various locations in the United States and to law enforcement officers in Canada, Europe, and Africa.  Brian has received training and toured over 40 firearm factories and 12 ammunition manufacturing facilities throughout the United States, and in Canada, South Africa, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Austria.

Date & Time:    Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 8:30am-4:30pm

Location:           Flint Township Police Department Training Facility, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507

Cost:                    LEORTC licensed members – pre-paid

LEORTC non-licensed members – $150

Non-Members – $300

Class size is limited to 25

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Residential Crime Prevention April 30, 2025 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This program is part of the Crime Prevention Specialist Series.  Each program in the series is a standalone seminar.  Participants that complete all seminars in the series will be granted a Crime Prevention Specialist Certificate.

One of the best crime prevention initiatives for reducing crime, the perception of crime, and improving the overall quality of life in a community is the development of partnerships between law abiding citizens and their police department.  Participants in this one-day seminar will learn about proven residential safety programs and how to implement thembasic crime prevention strategiesresidential security issuesand the tools necessary to return to their communities and make an immediate impact.

 Instructor:   Chris Fredenburg is with the Saginaw Township Police Department.  He is an Advanced Crime Prevention Specialist and an accomplished practitioner of the (CPTED) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design discipline.   “Crime prevention works, so use it.”

Location:  Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MIchigan 48439

Cost:  LEORTC Member:  Prepaid

LEORTC non-licensed:  $65.00

Non-Members:  $120.00

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Advanced Topics in DNA May 2 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Major advancements have been made in forensic DNA testing in recent years.  These advancements in technology include increased in technology include increased sensitivity, new methods to interpret complex mixtures, specialized search techniques of the CODIS database, and many more.  This class will highlight these advancements and focus on utilizing them when routing DNA analysis has not solved a case.  This class will be particularly useful for looking at cold cases with a fresh eye to see if additional testing may be possible.

Topics Covered Will Include:

  • Probabilistic genotyping software
  • Familial searching of the CODIS database
  • Y-STR testing
  • New STR chemistries
  • Phenotyping/ancestry testing
  • Case Studies


Danielle Hankinson has been a forensic scientist in the Biology/DNA discipline for over 13 years.  She has worked for both the Virginia Department of Forensic Science and the MSP.   Danielle has BS and MS degrees from Michigan State University and is certified in Molecular Biology by the American Board of Criminalistics.  She is the current President of the Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists.

Amanda Fazi is a DNA analyst for DNA Labs International.  She has over ten years’ experience working as a forensic biologist and crime scene investigator, with previous experience at the Michigan State Police Northville Crime Lab and the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Crime Lab.  She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biological Sciences from Wayne State University and a Master of Science Degree in Forensic Science (Biology Concentration) from Michigan State University.

Date/Times:       Thursday, May 2, 2025, 8:3oam-4:30pm

Location:           Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5420 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Cost:                      LEORTC Licensed Personnel – Prepaid

Non-Licensed Members – $65 per/person

All Others – $130 per/person

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Emergency Vehicle Operation May 6 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - THIS CLASS IS FULL

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required:     – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Digital Crime Scene Photography May 7 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This one-day course is designed for crime scene investigators, police officers, evidence technicians, and other personnel who have the responsibility to properly document crime scenes & physical evidence through photography.  This course is geared toward both experienced & inexperienced photographers.  Participants will be provided complete instructions on how to operate their digital camera, utilize a variety of lighting techniques, document items in difficult positions, and document the crime scene.

Course Outline:

  • Photography fundamentals
  • Understanding the basic operation of digital cameras
  • Digital camera specifics
  • Lighting techniques
  • Evidentiary photography
  • Crime scene photography (indoor, outdoor & vehicles)

Hands-On Portion:

  • Taking a great deal of photographs with a variety of camera settings
  • Immediate feedback with image review

Required Equipment:  Digital camera, owner’s manual and a tripod

Date/Time:         Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 8:30am-4:30pm

Location:             Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, 48507

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officer –          Prepaid

LEORTC Non-Licensed Personnel –            $65.00 p/p

Non-Member Agencies –                               $130.00 p/p

Instructor:           Forensic Scientist Keith LaMont, Director/MSP Bridgeport Laboratory, has been with the Trace Evidence Unit for 25 years and has experience in: Footwear & Tire Tracks, Crime Scene Processing, Arson, Paint, Glass, and Explosive Residue.  He has extensive crime scene experience, processing over 225 suspicious death crime scenes.  He has a Bachelor of Science from MSU with a major in Forensic Science.

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Introduction to Latent Fingerprinting May 13 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This 8-hour seminar is a combination of instructor presentation and instructor supervised practical exercises to provide students with the ability to successfully develop and preserve latent fingerprints using the basic brush and powder method. Topics covered in this course include:

The History of Fingerprints                               Terms & Definition

Skin Structure & Latent Print                          Types of Latent Prints

Basic Fingerprint Patterns                                 Fingerprint Details Used for Identification

Types of Powders and Brushes                        Brush & Powder Development Techniques

Practical Exercises                                             Introduction to AFIS

Advanced Development Techniques (magnetic powders, wet powder, superglue fuming, photography of latent prints)

This is a ‘hands on’ class.  Participants are asked to bring department cameras with tripods, flashlight, and your latent print kit if available (materials are furnished for the class but the instructor could recommend improvements to your kit(s)).  It is also recommended that the participants not wear nicer clothing as print powder will be in use.

Class Size:       Limited to 15

Location:  Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507

Cost:                LEORTC Certified Members – Prepaid, Non-Certified Members – $65.00 p/p, All Others – $130.00 p/p

Instructor:  Alexandra Seelmann-Saunders, Forensic Scientist, Latent Fingerprint Unit, Michigan State Police Bridgeport Forensic Laboratory. Alexandra has had extensive training in subject matter related to the recovery and identification of latent fingerprints and is a Crime Scene Response Team member.  She has been qualified to give expert testimony regarding fingerprint identifications in three area counties and serves as an Adjunct Professor for the Criminal Justice Program at Oakland Community College.

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Street Gang Investigations May 14 @ 8:00 am - May 16 @ 4:00 pm

Provided by: Northeast Counterdrug Training Center Co-hosted by: U.S. Attorney’s Office – Eastern District of Michigan; MAGLOCLEN, and LEORTC

This course explores the current trends, identifiers, and dynamics of street gang investigations. Understanding and identifying gang culture both on the street and in correctional facilities requires investigators from both local law enforcement and corrections to work together and share information.

The intent of this course is to prepare officers in both large and small agencies to properly identify and interdict gang activity in their respective jurisdictions, collect and manage their gang intelligence, and communicate this information with neighboring jurisdictions and correctional facilities. Many states have their own gang enhancement statue, but it is often not utilized to prosecute at the state level. The instructors of this course will demonstrate how to take the evidence and stored gang intelligence in a gang case and apply it in the courtroom. Not all street gangs establish themselves with a nationally recognized gang name.
The instructors will provide reasonable explanations why their local hybrid street gangs are just as violent, and dangerous as nationally recognized gangs are in larger cities.

This class will explain the command structure, membership requirements, and adopted signs and symbols, hybrid gangs will create. Additional gang evidence will also be covered such as step-by-step examples of how to testify as a gang expert, drug trafficking expert, armed subject expert, and cellphone records expert in court, to assist student’s state’s attorney’s office in prosecuting your local gang members. This course will also explain why your gang investigation unit plays an important role in community trust and show examples of how to build those relationships between police and community.

When:  May 14 -16, 2025, sign-ins 7:30am, class is from 8:00am – 4:00pm

Where:  Mott Community College – Southern Lakes Branch, 2100 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, MI 48430.

Cost:  There is no cost for this training.

To Register:  Visit the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center’s website at www.counterdrug.org, NCTC | NCTC

Click on Northeast Counterdrug Training Center “Enter Site”
Find the training that you would like to register for under Upcoming Training and select “Register”
Log into your NCTC account (an NCTC account is required to register for training)
Agree to the Terms and Conditions

Click on “Register”

Emergency Vehicle Operation May 20 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - THIS CLASS IS FULL!

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required    – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Trace Evidence Collection May 29 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This course will provide participants with an understanding of how the collection of trace evidence at crime scenes; to include autopsies and vehicle processing, on a routine basis can aid in successful criminal investigations.  Trace evidence becomes particularly valuable in cases where latent prints and DNA fail to provide an identification of a suspect.  Emphasis will be placed on the proper techniques for collection and packaging of trace evidence.  Case studies will be presented, and hands-on collection methods will be practiced.

Topics Include:

  • Locard’s Exchange Theory
  • Fiber Transfer
  • Paint Transfer
  • Physical Match
  • Glass
  • Fire Debris
  • Miscellaneous/Unknown
  • Footwear (as time permits)


Instructor:   Paris Pritchard is a Forensic Scientist assigned to the Michigan State Police- Trace Evidence Unit in Northville, Michigan.  She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Howard University in Washington D.C.  and a Post-Bachelors Crime Laboratory Training Certificate from Madonna University.

Location:  Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Class Size:    Limited to 25

Cost:             LEORTC Licensed Personnel – Prepaid           Non-Licensed Members – $65 per/person

                       All Others – $130 per/person

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Basic Firearms Instructor Course June 2 @ 8:00 am - June 6 @ 5:00 pm

This Firearm Instructor course will impart upon the participants sufficient knowledge and background in the proper techniques of handling and utilizing the semi-automatic pistol to be able to perform as a range instructor to provide competent training to other officers.

Prerequisite: Attendees will be required to satisfactorily perform the MCOLES basic course of fire on the first day.

Course Time: June 2 – 6, 2025, 8am – 5pm

Course Instructor: Thomas Royal, Chris VanHorn, Chris Jaime

Location: Delta College, 1961 Delta Road Room C111, University Center, MI 48710

Course Fee: Non-Consortium: $600 per person, Delta College Consortium: $400 per person, LEORTC Member Licensed Officers: Prepaid (limited seating)

Required Equipment: Full duty belt with holster; duty pistol and minimum of three (3) ammunition magazines; 1,000 rounds of ammunition; soft body armor; eye and ear protection; baseball style cap; long pants; long sleeve shirt; sturdy footwear and any other clothing needed for the current weather; flashlight; sunscreen; bug spray; laptop computer with flash drive (8GB min); note taking material; and personal first aid supplies (IFAK).

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

Registration Deadline: May 23, 2025

Click HERE to Register

Delta Cancellation Policy

Class reservations may be cancelled up to 7 calendar days prior to the first day of class with 100% refund; less than 7 days, but prior to the first day of class with a 50% refund; on the first day of class with a 0% refund.  All “no shows” will be charged full price.

Emergency Vehicle Operation June 3 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - THIS CLASS IS FULL!

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required:     Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Overview of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) June 4, 2025 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This program is part of the Crime Prevention Specialist Series.  Each program in the series is a standalone seminar.  Participants that complete all seminars in the series will be granted a Crime Prevention Specialist Certificate.

This one-day overview will provide attendees with the basic concepts and principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). Participants will learn how CPTED can be applied to provide useful risk assessments and security surveys in all segments of our community.  These concepts are extremely useful for patrol officers and investigators in providing preventive recommendations to community groups or individuals as well as crime victims and complainants.

CPTED examines the existing environment and its use and how those can be enhanced to improve the quality of life for residents, ultimately reducing the fear and actual incidents of crime.

Instructor: Officer Chris Fredenburg of the Saginaw Township Police Department. He is an Advanced Crime Prevention Specialist and is an accomplished practitioner of the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) discipline.

Location:      Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Class Size:          Limited to 35

Cost:                     LEORTC Member Licensed Officers: Prepaid

LEORTC Member Non-Licensed Personnel: $65.00

Non-Member Agencies: $120.00

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

Personal & Professional Breakthroughs for Police Officers June 12 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

In a chaotic and unpredictable world of plummeting moral standards our nation’s police officers are facing stressors that can have predictable and profoundly negative impact upon their lives, careers and families.  This seminar will assist those attending in gaining a distinctly different perspective on the unique and potentially problematic consequences of performing well within a law enforcement culture.   Officers, Sergeants and those who assist them will reflect upon the traumas and triumphs associated with modern law enforcement, and how these influence the pivotal balance between professional and personal relationships.

An experienced law enforcement executive and educator will guide law enforcement personnel in understanding a variety of best practice approaches in addressing these issues.  A theme of personal leadership will run throughout this seminar as those attending will have ample chance to reflect upon the universal journey of a vocation spent in law enforcement.  This seminar will provide a new set of skills designed to assist contemporary knights maintain a balanced, meaningful and rewarding lifestyle, while maintaining and protecting the nobility found in their servant’s spirit.

Topics will include:

  • Removing classic frustrations encountered by all law enforcement officers & the impact of rewarded cynicism
  • The Caustic Effects of performing well in law enforcement
  • How the dynamics of control and trust can negatively influence officer attitudes both at work and home
  • Learning and mastering the unique, misunderstood and potentially problematic consequences of police perspectives
  • Learning from our Knightly predecessors on how to self-motivate on the street, in the department and at home
  • Inspiring a new generation of Knights
  • Removing classic frustrations encountered by all law enforcement officers & the consequences of rewarding cynicism
  • How the dynamics of control and trust can negatively influence officer attitudes
  • How to lead and inspire those who have been taught to anticipate the worst in everything
  • Being an optimistic leader among a sea of professional pessimists
  • Overcoming the damaging effects of “the rule bound” and stoic approaches to the job
  • Recognizing the symptoms of stress and how police stress differs significantly from other jobs
  • Developing a personal and organizational action plan to confront the issues
  • Learning to help others overcome unhealthy organizational over-investment
  • Why officers are at greater risk for alcohol abuse, divorce, isolation, depression and suicide
  • Warning signs of distress and preventative programs to reduce and monitor it

Instructor:            Kent Williams is the owner of Breach Point Consulting and has been involved in law enforcement as a police officer for over 32 years, where he recently retired as Chief of Police for a Chicago area police department.  Now consulting full-time, he has served as the 2-term President of the Northern Illinois Critical Incident Stress Management Team where he still serves as a peer supporter for more than 20 years.  He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the University of Southern California’s Delinquency Control Institute, the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police, at Boston University, and the Buechner Institute for Governance’s Rocky Mountain Leadership Program at the University of Colorado.    He served as a Tactical Commander on a regional SWAT team serving 60 Chicago collar communities.  He has taught extensively on various courses related to leadership and organizational change.  Additionally, he has taught for over 28 years on topics including use of force, weapons and tactics.

Date & Times:       Thursday, June 12, 2025, 8:30am-4:30pm

Location:               Mott Community College Southern Lakes Branch Center, Room 1009, 2100 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, MI 48430

Cost:                       LEORTC Licensed Members – Prepaid

LEORTC Non-Licensed Personnel – $95 p/p

Non-Member Agencies – $199 p/p

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

Emergency Vehicle Operation June 17 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - THERE IS ONE SLOT LEFT!

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required:     – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

LEIN, Basic Operator Training August 12 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

The Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center, Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) Field Services Unit, in an effort to maintain compliance with LEIN and FBI National Crime Information Center (NCIC) policy, is now accepting registrations for Basic LEIN Operator Training.

Basic LEIN Operator Training targets new LEIN users, which includes 911 dispatchers, law enforcement staff, corrections staff, probation staff, parole staff, and prosecutors that have direct access to LEIN and NCIC. Basic LEIN Operator Training for Law Enforcement will provide a basic understanding of LEIN policy, password use, administrative messages, queries and responses relating to criminal history records, wanted persons, missing persons, personal protection orders, stolen vehicles, driver and vehicle records, etc.

LEIN and NCIC policy require all operators to be certified within six months of hire and re-certified every two years. The LEIN certification test is administered by the agency Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC).

Course Date:      Tuesday, August 12, 2025

Course Time:      9:00 am – 4:30 pm (8:30 am registration)

Location:             Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 Saginaw Rd, Grand Blanc, MI 48433

Instructor:           Jacqueline Black – Ms. Black is the Human Resources Developer (LEIN Trainer) for the Michigan State Police LEIN Field Services Unit. She provides direct support and statewide training in the   proper use of the Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) for all law enforcement, criminal justice agencies, and other LEIN user agencies in the state of Michigan. Ms. Black ensures the LEIN Operations Manual is updated with current information and in a format that makes it easy for users to review, understand, and locate specific items. Her focus in this position is to improve the quality of the data submitted by LEIN user agencies in the interest of advancing Michigan’s public safety services. Ms. Black has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Studies from Western Michigan University. Prior to her employment in this position, Ms. Black was employed as a Children’s Protective Services Investigator with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Course Fee:         None

Register:              Registration must be done through MiTrain, Course ID 1125662

Click here to Register    

Emergency Vehicle Operation September 9 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - THERE ARE FIVE SLOTS LEFT!

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required    – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Crime Prevention Strategies for Educational Facilities September 10, 2025 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This program is part of the Crime Prevention Specialist Series.  Each program in the series is a standalone seminar.  Participants that complete all seminars in the series will be granted a Crime Prevention Specialist Certificate.

This course will offer participants a best practices approach for working with Schools, Day Cares, and other educational facilities. This training is highly recommended for school administrators, teachers, and school resource officers.  Attendees will learn about:

  • Lockdown Procedures to deal with violence within and outside of educational facilities
  • Steps for dealing with bomb threats
  • Large Event Security
  • Access Control
  • Crime Reporting
  • Training of Facility Employees

Instructor:   Chris Fredenburg of the Saginaw Township Police Department.  He is an Advanced Crime Prevention Specialist and an accomplished practitioner of the (CPTED) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design discipline.   “Crime prevention works, so use it.”

Location:       Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Class Size:          Limited to 35

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers: Prepaid

LEORTC Member Non-Licensed Personnel: $65.00

Non-Member Agencies: $120.00

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Footwear Impression Workshop September 16 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This one-day hands-on course is designed for crime scene investigators, police officers, evidence technicians, and other personnel, who have the responsibility to properly document and collect footwear evidence at the crime scene.  This course is geared toward both experienced evidence collection personnel as well as personnel with limited experience in footwear evidence processing.  Participants will learn how to locate, collect and preserve footwear evidence.

Course outline:

  • Footwear Introduction
  • Manufacturing of Footwear
  • Footwear Examination
  • Awareness and detection of footwear evidence
  • Documenting footwear (general photographs and sketch)
  • Footwear Enhancement

Hands-on Portion:

  • Collection and preservation of various types of footwear impression
  • Two dimensional, positive/negative impressions, dust impressions
  • Three-dimensional various soil types, unusual surfaces, snow impression (if applicable)

Required Equipment:

  • Digital Camera
  • Owner’s manual for the camera
  • Tripod

Instructor:  Forensic Scientist Keith LaMont, Director/MSP Bridgeport Crime Lab.  Mr. LaMont has been with the trace evidence unit of the Crime Lab for 18 years.  His areas of expertise include footwear and tire tracks, crime scene processing, arson, paint, glass, and explosive residue.  He has an extensive amount of crime scene processing experience, processing over 225 suspicious death crime scenes.  He has a Bachelor of Science degree from MSU with a major in Forensic Science, as well as numerous specialized workshops in various aspects of trace evidence subject matter.

Date/Time:       Tuesday, September 16, 2025, 8:30am – 4:30pm 

Location:             Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, 48507

Cost:                LEORTC Member Licensed Officer – Prepaid

LEORTC Non-Licensed Personnel – $65.00 p/p

Non-Members Agencies – $130.00 p/p

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Emergency Vehicle Operation September 23 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required:     – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Cell Phone Investigation Techniques September 23, 2025 @ 8:00 am - September 24, 2025 @ 4:00 pm

Provided by: Northeast Counterdrug Training Center
Co-hosted by: Law Enforcement Officer Regional Training Center – LEORTC; U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan; MAGLOCLEN

It has become increasingly difficult for law enforcement to successfully exploit cell phones due to the evolution of smartphone technology. Criminals’ heavy reliance on cell phones makes it crucial for police officers to learn common cell phone terminology and understand the data they receive from cell phone companies. Historical cell-site data and specialized location records have been utilized in hundreds of investigations to successfully track a criminal or put them near a crime scene. Information will be presented during this block of instructions on the benefits of using these records, the limitations of the records, and the best software to map the records. Smartphone Applications (APPS) have become the preferred method of communication for criminals. Although the content of many APPS is encrypted, there are digital imprints left behind on the actual device. Information will be presented on various APPS, as well as the types of data that can be obtained from the APP providers. Wiretap investigations can produce very powerful and overwhelming evidence of guilt; The course will provide students with the fundamental aspects of developing wiretap investigations, uses and analyzing of pen registers. The final blocks of instruction will involve the use of cell phone geo fences around a crime scene and Wi-Fi router interrogation. These advanced techniques have proven extremely useful in hundreds of investigations. This two-day training course will provide officers with a comprehensive approach to exploiting cellular telephones.

Date and Time: September 23-24, 2025, sign-ins 7:30am, class 8:00am – 4:00pm

Location:  Mott Community College – Southern Lakes campus, 2100 W. Thompson Road, Fenton, MI 48430

Cost:  This course is free

To Register:  Visit the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center’s website at www.counterdrug.org
•Click on Northeast Counterdrug Training Center “Enter Site”
•Find the training that you would like to register for under Upcoming Training and select “Register
•Log into your NCTC account (an NCTC account is required to register for training)
•Agree to the Terms and Conditions
•Click on “Register

Emergency Vehicle Operation September 30 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required:     – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Tactical Field Operations – Man Tracking September 30 @ 8:30 am - October 1 @ 4:30 pm
This training program focuses on perimeter containment of Fleeing Subjects while utilizing Man-Tracking skills, deploying K-9, utilization of aviation support, and possibly LPOP’s (Listening Points / Observation Points). These techniques are also utilized for Lost and Missing Persons.
This training would be valuable for all officers, supervisors, and command staff.
Training components of this program include:
The Psychological Profiles of Fleeing Subjects / Lost & Missing Persons issues are taught to assist in understanding early search variables.
For Fleeing Subjects, the Leap Frogging technique is utilized to shorten the time /distance gap.
Other areas to be covered would be utilization of a compass, GPS, Downed Officer Reaction/solutions, and arrest procedure upon contact.
Most of the two-days of training will be outside in a variety of conditions and areas. There will also be a lot of physical activity in various terrains.
Participants must be prepared by dressing appropriately for the conditions and physical activity (including footwear and headwear).
Instructors:  Rudi Nitschmann, U.S. Army – S.R.T. and retired after 29 years of service with the M.S.P. MSP Emergency Support Team Member for 26 years. Level II Certified Man-Tracking Instructor.
                      Richard Casanova, U.S.M.C. – Infantry / Intel Field – 10 years. MSP Emergency Support Team Member for 18 years.  Currently has 23 years of service with the MSP.
Date/Times: September 30-October 1, 2025, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Location:  Crossroads Village, 6140 Bray Road, Flint, MI 48505
Class size:  Limited to (10)
Cost:  LEORTC Licensed Members – Prepaid
                 All Others – $299 per person

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as,“Agency Elected  Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Critical Incidents and the Media October 7 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This unique training opportunity is applicable for law enforcement Public Information Officers, Supervisors, Administrators, Chiefs, Sheriffs, or anyone assigned to work with the media.  Topics include:

  • What the media expects from a good PIO
  • What the media expects from leadership
  • How to be a more effective communicator for internal and external audiences
  • How the media works
  • Effective and ineffective ways to handle message/response
  • What makes a story “Newsworthy”?
  • Why reporters ask the questions they do
  • Why is it important to provide certain documents before being asked
  • The timing of the news cycle and the lifespan of a story
  • How a one-day story can become a week-long negative publicity escapade
  • How to avoid long-lasting negative coverage
  • How to talk to reporters, on the phone, live, on camera, or in a recorded interview
  • Effective public speaking
  • Dissection of a real-life scenario, what went wrong and right, lessons learned


Anastasiya Bolton is an award-winning broadcast journalist, media expert and crisis communications professional.  During her 22 years in TV, including 12 years in Denver, she specialized in reporting on high-profile, difficult, emotional events, including the Aurora, CO Theater shooting, the shooting at a Church in Sutherland Springs, TX and Santa Fe, TX High School shooting.  She’s covered the disappearances of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway in CO and 18-year-old Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Anastasiya’s helped law enforcement, non-profits, gov. agencies & others plan for crisis, develop comms plans, tell their stories, prepare for media interviews, and respond to negative publicity.

Cassidee Carlson, Aurora PD Division Chief (Ret.), spent 20 years as a police officer in Aurora Colorado. She recently retired as a Division Chief. During her career, she was a Field Training officer, served on the SWAT team, worked in major crimes, the PIO unit, and Internal Affairs. In 2022, as the Operations Division Chief, she oversaw patrol, community policing and the School Resource Unit. Cassidee’s innovative PIO response to the Aurora Theater shooting has become a national model on how to handle mass casualty incidents and help victims of crime navigate media inquiries. Cassidee and her federal partners have worked tirelessly to share her knowledge and expertise across the country.

Date & Time:                        Tuesday, October 7, 2025, 8:30am-4:30pm

Location:                                Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48507

Cost:                                       LEORTC Licensed Members – Pre-paid, LEORTC Members (non-licensed) – $150

All Others – $199

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Emergency Vehicle Operation October 7 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required    – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Motor Vehicle Code Update October 9 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This 8-hour class focuses on numerous motor vehicle traffic laws found in the Michigan Compiled Law Section 257 – Motor Vehicles. Of the hundreds of sections under 257, this class will focus on the laws a patrol officer encounters and utilizes on a regular basis.  This training serves as an excellent update and refresher for all officers regardless of rank and/or years of service.

Classroom Topics Include:

  • Words & Phrases Defined
  • Applicability & Enforcement of    Traffic Law
  • Driver License Laws
  • Vehicle Registration Laws
  • Insurance Laws
  • Obedience to & Effect of Traffic Laws
  • Traffic Signs, Signals & Markings
  • Vehicle Crashes
  • Alcohol Related Laws
  • Speed Laws
  • Lane Use & Passing
  • Right of Way
  • Bicycle & Motorcycle Laws
  • Pedestrian Laws
  • Parking, Stopping & Miscellaneous Laws
  • Vehicle Equipment
  • Driver Re-examination

Date and Time:           Thursday, October 9, 2025, 8:30am-4:30pm

Location:                    Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507

Instructor:                  Lieutenant Brian Schroer: Lt Schroer has served with the Bay City Department of Public Safety (BCDPS) since 2001. He earned his Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from Erie Community College in 1996, a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College in 1998, and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University in 2013. He serves as lead instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operation for the LEORTC.

Class Size:                   Limited to 40

Cost:                            LEORTC Licensed Members – Prepaid, All Others  $130.00 p/p

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.”

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Emergency Vehicle Operation October 14 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This 1-day hand-on refresher course provides a review of the laws and policies related to emergency vehicle operation, pursuits, and the proper course of action based on related circumstances.  This training should be taken by officers that have not had the course within the last three years.


Students are required to attend all class hours and successfully complete the course to receive a certificate.

Participants will start the day/classroom portion at the Flint Township Police Department, 5200 Norko Drive, Flint, MI 48507, and after instruction, proceed to the Auto City Speedway, 10205 N Saginaw Rd, Clio, MI 48420.

Equipment Required    – Department marked police car in proper operating condition

-Uniform of the day (recommended)

-Duty belt and body armor (recommended)

□             Loose items must be removed from the trunk and passenger compartments of the vehicles.

□             No more than two officers per vehicle.

□             No shorts, sandals, or pocket weapons.

Instructor:          Lieutenant Brian Schroer, Bay City Department of Public Safety.  Brian earned a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree from Hilbert College and a Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University.  During his career, Lieutenant Schroer participated in the Field Training Officer program and serves as an instructor for Emergency Vehicle Operations training.  He was promoted to the rank of      Corporal Accident Investigator in 2009, to the rank of Sergeant in 2020, and to the rank of Lieutenant in 2022.

Class Size:           Limited to 12

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers – Prepaid

Non-Member Agencies – $200.00 p/p

Click here to Register    

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Biology/DNA Evidence Collection & Analysis October 24 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Having a basic understanding of evidence collection is an essential responsibility of all law enforcement personnel.  This course is designed for any law enforcement officer or law enforcement civilian that will investigate crimes as either a first responderevidence technician, or investigator.  This course will consist of lectures, laboratory demonstrations, and hands-on collection and processing techniques. Participants in this course will:

  • Learn known proper biological evidence collection techniques.
  • Understand biological evidence analysis.
  • Understand packaging and contamination issues.
  • Recognize the most probative/valuable evidence for lab examination.
  • Understand biological evidence collection performed by SANE nurses.
  • Learn available resources for vehicle and scene processing.

Instructor:  Amanda Fazi is a DNA analyst for DNA Labs International.  She has over ten years’ experience working as a forensic biologist and crime scene investigator, with previous experience at the Michigan State Police Northville Crime Lab and the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Crime Lab.  She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biological Sciences from Wayne State University and a Master of Science Degree in Forensic Science (Biology Concentration) from Michigan State University.

Date/Time:                 Friday, October 24, 2025, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm             

Location:                     Grand Blanc Twp. Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Flint, MI   48507

Class Size:                    Limited to 35

Cost:                            LEORTC Licensed Member –               Prepaid

LEORTC Non-Licensed Personnel –     $65.00 p/p

Non-Member Agencies –                     $130.00 p/p

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

Crime Prevention for Places of Worship November 12 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This program is part of the Crime Prevention Specialist Series.  Each program in the series is a standalone seminar.  Participants that complete all seminars in the series will be granted a Crime Prevention Specialist Certificate.

Recent incidents of violence in religious institutions have forced religious leaders to re-exam security measures. Balancing the openness of a religious institution with the necessity for real security can be difficult.  This one-day course will assist attendees with this dilemma.  Participants will learn about the importance of conducting realistic security surveys and risk assessments of religious facilities.  Attendees will learn best practice approaches to:

Developing Emergency Procedures (to deal with acts of violence and other safety and security issues)

Preventive Measures and Programs

Theft, Embezzlement and Vandalism

Hiring procedures

Access Control in General and specifically Safety and Welfare of Children

Instructor:   Chris Fredenburg of the Saginaw Township Police Department.  He is an Advanced Crime Prevention Specialist and an accomplished practitioner of the (CPTED) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design discipline.   “Crime prevention works, so use it.”

Location:  Grand Blanc Township Police Department, 5405 S. Saginaw Street, Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Class Size:          Limited to 40

Cost:                      LEORTC Member Licensed Officers: Prepaid     LEORTC Member Non-Licensed Personnel: $65.00

Non-Member Agencies: $120.00

Click HERE to Register

This training has been registered with MCOLES for the use of PA 302 Law Enforcement Distribution funds.

This training is registered as, “Agency Elected Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”


George Sippert was appointed Executive/Training Director of the LEORTC May of 2018.  Prior to this appointment he served with the Flint Township Police Department for over 32 years, the last 13 as the Chief of Police.  He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy 205th Session and the FBI MI Police Executive Development Association.  He has served as a board member with several organizations including the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, the Genesee County Association of Chiefs of Police, the Law Enforcement Officers Regional Training Commission, the Flint Area Narcotics Group Advisory Board, and the Genesee County 911 Advisory Board.

George Sippert

Director, LEORTC

Dennis Baker has served as Staff Assistant with the LEORTC for the past fourteen years.  He retired at the rank of Lieutenant from the City of Grand Blanc Police Department after 34 years of service.  He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy 177th Session. He also served as an accreditation auditor for CALEA.

Dennis Baker

Staff Asst., LEORTC


Feel free to contact us directly with any questions you may have.

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